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Prayer Pleas(e) & Update

I'm working on a few other posts that I've been chewing on the last week or so, but I may not complete them before we begin our work week tonight, so I thought I'd do a quick update and prayer plea.

We're starting Week 4 in the house with the girls and things are still going really well.  Some days are harder than others, and the difficulty can stem from a variety of places or levels and it can spring up in an instant of course.  We're going on a one day Vacation with the girls this week to Hot Springs which we are all really excited about!  Normally, we would have been fundraising for our vacation all year and tried to go somewhere for a few days (one house on campus went to Houston for 4 days), but since we're brand new and school starts in 2 WEEKS, we're doing the best we can with our budget.  This coming year I have all kinds of ideas of how we can raise our funds for next year's vacation!  Once we are back from that, I am sure the remainder of our time will be taken up preparing for school and doing enrollment at the 4 different schools our girls will be at this year! 

We've been attending the same church the last 3 weeks or so and really like it so far.  They are searching for a senior pastor right now, so it will be interesting to see what happens once they find one.  There is a young-marrieds Sunday School class with tons of other couples our age and actually some other houseparents from the Baptist Children's Home.  We are enjoying their interim pastor and the culture of the church. 

-Please pray for our girls.  Our little one really misses "Mama."  Our older one is really depressed.  Our middle one is still trying my patience with attitude and a hardened heart most of the time. 
-Please pray for us.  That we can express God's love first and foremost.  That we will find our strength and encouragement from the right places.  That we will continue to work in partnership with one another with trust and love.
-Please pray for our upcoming transition into school.  Our job and pace of life will completely change when the girls go back to school, and we are doing our best to prepare ourselves now.
-Please pray that the right person will buy our house in Salina in God's timing.  It's not a huge stressor, but it would be one less thing to worry about, as well as being helpful in getting a new car without going into debt as our car has presented some major problems in the last 6 months and just recently.


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