I thank God and will continue to thank Him every day that I had the privilege to know and work with you. There are so many reasons for this that come to mind. The first is that I was able to witness God (not me...not you) do miraculous things. The second is that I was able to know someone with your heart and your story. And last, I learned a lot from working with you. That's usually how it works; you start off helping someone else and end up learning a few lessons for yourself. Here is what I learned from you: 1-Sometimes those that need love the most will not ask for it and will sometimes actually ask for the opposite...to be left alone, unloved. Because left unloved, they are left unchanged and unchallenged. But when you love anyway, their broken hearts begin to trust. A terribly rough life has put him in a place where it is almost impossible to believe even the most genuine person could really care. And if they do...