To any who choose to read, I plead, please hold my heart so carefully in your hands, because the walls are thin and fragile today. I’m writing to you from Eden, you know…the place where God meets us face to face, where we are naked and unashamed? The place we are stripped of everything this world has to offer and it is just me and God in the perfectly breezy and comfortable afternoon air. But just as Eve would have had it, you haven’t found me walking quietly in the afternoon, hand-in-hand with God. I’m over here hiding because I’m naked and exposed. Stripped of the identities and roles I’ve worn and back to just being His, I feel completely undone. I took a group of youth several years ago to a conference and the week-long theme was Undone. I didn’t get it then, but now I do. David Crowder has always had that song, too: I’m-coming-un-done! And I sang right through that verse. But now I am. I am the one coming undone. ...
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