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Abundant & Free

Bad days happen. Bad weeks hit us. A month can accumulate a number of these days and weeks, and it seems like the other shoe has dropped, there has been rain at our parade, and the doc says the camel's back is broken by that pesky piece of straw. 

Lawn mowers break down days after weed eaters bite the dust two weeks after the starter goes out in one vehicle when the air was already out and the battery was just replaced in the other. And so the grass is growing higher while responsibilities pile up at work, and homework is assigned, and students die, and new coaches have long nights away from home, and a string of (thankfully) minor illnesses/infections hit the family requiring appointments and driving and medication and stool samples and explosive diapers and days missed at daycare and work. And life seemed normal and then one day you wake up and it is all of this and one ounce too much. 

But then she's giggling. From her gut. And grinning. With those two bottom teeth sticking out. And saying, "Dadadadadadada" and then laughing at herself. And not even crying about an ear infection. And giving hugs and jumping up and down when she sees me or hears Daddy's voice. And all the heat of life cools when I see her face. Her little hands touch my face, and all the pressures and stress and anxiety fade away. 

It's not just because she's precious. It's because in every giggle, smile, or gaze from her blue, blue eyes, I receive a gift of grace from Abba Father, my Daddy. A reminder that this sweet, innocent one wakes up every day without a stress or care in the world, perfectly trusting that her every need will be met by those to whom she's been entrusted; she is set free. Free from days being "good" or "bad" and free to embrace this life abundant. And that same freedom is offered to me every day. What if I lived like it? As my small bundle of true joy trusts me each day to sustain her without a worry, I can trust a much greater Parent who promises a burden that is light and a  yoke that is easy. And faith like a child will take me there. Waking up to believe that Someone Bigger and Wiser has already "got this" empowers peaceful living. And peace in chaos is contagious and shocking and inspiring to others. Just like the sweet peace of my little girl has inspired me to seek it for myself. 

Don't let the bad week or the lawn mower or the expensive antibiotic or the line of people expecting results from you at work change the source of the abundant life you've been granted. (Preaching to myself). Don't let these things rob you of the gifts of grace in store in each new day you've been given. (Are you listening, Betsy?) Set aside the worry, the panic, the "what if" and breathe in the promises: "I have gone before you." "I am the All Sufficient One." "My love for you today is maximized and is not in danger of being lost." "I've overcome this world." "You are free; I have life life abundant for you."

Amen and Amen. 


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