Somehow I had hardened inside and had not even realized I was running around so closed off. I had detected changes in myself and saw a disconnect from the workings of the Spirit. I knew something was off. I knew I needed to seek You for an answer but I wasn't softening enough to be able to hear. I couldn't feel the weight or tightness or impact. But then, I got so tired that I couldn't clench my jaw any longer. So I had to ask myself what was really wrong even though I didn't have an answer. I had forgotten that was the best place to be. Giving space for quiet was enough. The quiet softened my muscles and my heart. One slow breath at a time, I knew what was wrong. I was terrified and anxious and worried and feeling impatient about several things in my life and in order to feel the peace I felt I needed, I had secured control wherever I could until I was ugly and my face was distorted and hard and not soft at all. Looking for the familiar feeling of peace in all the wron...