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Showing posts from February, 2014

Mundane Dependence

I'm not sure if you will understand.  Most of you will probably shake your head.  I'm not sure if there any of you out there like me.  But in case there are, I will share these recent ramblings.  I believe they do reveal the backwards-freakish nature of myself so if you have never felt the struggle or this particular tension, have no worry.  I've always liked a challenge.  I remember as a high school student asking the Vacation Bible School Director at our church to switch the group of youngsters I was leading with another because my group was not challenging enough; the children were "too good" for my taste.  See?  Freak point numero uno.  I remember actually getting excited when I had the super-clingy, attention-needy, nerve-wracking behavior-filled little boy from the group home moved into my group.  *Teachers all over the globe flinch in disbelief.*  I know, I know...what?!?!?  But this was me -...

A year in review: 2013

A NEWSY POST : reflective posts to follow at later times  January : The year began with Michael and I fresh in new roles at Vera Lloyd. I was entering my second month as a House Supervisor / Case Manager / Training Coordinator, and Michael was working at the on-campus school in a para-professional role with the at risk youth on our campus. Another post will have to contain all that I have learned through that transition. We were also settling into our new home, which we love, about 20 minutes from Monticello in a small town called Warren.  We were missing the house-parent life at Barton but trusting and finding that God had purposes for His glory and our best.  March : We hosted some family visiting our new home and seeing Vera Lloyd for themselves throughout the month.  We, along with my sister Molly, saw and met David Crowder in Memphis for my 28th birthday. Besides being our all-time favorite artist, it's always been a dream of mine to have meet and gre...