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Showing posts from April, 2012


lately... we have been consumed at barton with PINK HAT DAY which is a fabulous day on campus where we invite all of the presbyterian women from the state and surrounding states who support us year-round to join us for the day on campus. (see my facebook page for some pictures!) the women tour the "pink-ed out" homes and campus and then have a fabulous lunch and time together in our gym with presentations by staff and youth.  some of the girls were in a fashion show and each of the youth participated in a "cardboard" testimony time during the song "the wind beneath my wings."  it took a lot of preparation of the house and the girls to be ready, but we did it and the house looked great.  the girls were gracious hostesses and looked really cute, as well.  they each got pink flip flops and big pink flowers to wear in their hair for the festivities.  it was an exciting day!  then, reality hit and we were thrown back into the swing of things of real life. it ...

lose myself

I do not know how to handle being hated.  I don't know how to swallow the feeling.  I feel like there is always something more I can do to resolve...or to make up...or to prove that I am worthy of their trust or respect because I really do care.  I am not sure where this comes from. Or why it is such an issue for me.  Other than my leftover issues with insecurity or insufficiency...or people-pleasing...or pride...and my over-sensitivity which has been my trademark my entire life. I imagine there are several years worth of therapy in here somewhere, and I am going to continue to pick at the issue. Because it keeps coming up. And its not what God intended: "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the LORD rather than for people."* "If the world hates me, remember that it hated me first."* "And everyone will hate you because you are my followers."* "So don't be surprised, dear brothers and sisters, if the world hates you...


A few Sundays ago, the pastor preached a sermon using Numbers 20:2-12 for a fantastic message about frustration and the downfall of acting out in our frustrations. A simple message on faithfulness to the work and calling of the Lord, though, that also permeates the text is what has stuck with me for these weeks following the message. And right now, what I need most are constant reminders of the Truth about remaining faithful to the work and calling of the Lord. Let me show you what I found: "Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. They quarrelled with Moses and said, 'If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the Lord! Why did you bring the Lord's community into this desert that we and our livestock should die here? Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grains or figs, grapevines, or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" It has been the better part of...

Update & Prayer Pleas(e)

March Madness: Our BIG 8 1.  Spring Break meant lots of excitement for the Barton Home!  We were treated to a wonderful day in Little Rock with our sponsor church.  We were able to take in the newly renovated Museum of Discovery, as well as some wonderful food.  It was a great day for the girls to get out of the house, experience something new, and be loved on by the ladies from our wonderful sponsor church! 2.  The girls also got to go to an all-campus Roller Skating party in Little Rock the next day hosted by the church they attend in Monticello.  They had a blast and one of the girls learned to skate for the first time in her life!  3.  Michael and I spent a day in Little Rock during Spring Break with our oldest and long-term youth shopping for a PROM DRESS!  This was a busy, busy but very fun day, and may I say, SUCCESSFUL! 4.  We've been learning, learning, learning and transitioning, transitioning, transitioning as some central...

Closer to Jesus

If it wasn't for Him, I wouldn't have kept moving.  I wouldn't have made it through the day.If it wasn't for His grace, I would have failed completely.  I wouldn't have had anything to say. Because when your heart is so burdened with heartache and pain, how are you supposed to reach out? When you feel like you're downing and sinking, how can you move beyond doubt? He is my strength and my sustaining power when I am absolutely weak. He alone is the only thing worthy of being the One that I seek. My wonderful, sweet grandfather passed away almost two weeks ago.  He had fought a good, brave battle with cancer and was taken quietly home with the Lord in the presence of his children and his dear wife of 61 years.  I had the great blessing of being able to visit my grandparents about a month before he passed away when he was still lucid and able to enjoy simple joys in life.  I cherish that wonderful weekend and thank God for the gift.  I was unsure how hi...