I had never seen bags that size under my own eyes. The complete exhaustion that was so utter in fact that it left me sleepless when I laid my head down for that long-awaited 5pm nap on Friday came after our January "Super-Shift," which is the delightful time once a month when we work our full shift + the shift our alternate usually works. We get a few preceding days off before this starts to "amp up" for the experience, which always seems a little backwards. These are great shifts in that they give you long stretches of time with the girls to really establish relationships, structure, etc., but because of the 24/7 nature of our work, they are also completely exhausting to the whole self...especially when they include extraordinary circumstances. This was one such shift. We welcomed a sibling set of 4 sisters the night we went on shift and spent two full days trying to in addition to assimilate them into our home, get their school enrollments ...