It has been incredibly humbling, this task of constantly loving unconditonally. It seems that what I continually discover is that I am not very good at loving. Afterall, love begins when you set yourself aside and that, my friends, is a difficult task that does not come naturally to this human shell. Thankfully, God is the definition of love, and He offers me His presence, power, and strength daily. I am deeply challenged and inspired by His Words of love.* Real love would have jumped into the task of removing the immense amount of lice from one of our girl's poor, unfortunate heads this week. Instead, I went through the process with about 6 changes of latex gloves, a lot of oozey noises, and doing my best to keep as much distance as I treated the hair as possible. Real love would have done its best to make the youth whose head is literally crawling with bugs comfortable and at as much peace as possible through the horrendeous process. Instead...